Friday, March 28, 2008

Anunt pentru artisti/Announcement for artists

Dragi artisti,
Va multumim pentru participarea la cea de a doua editie ROLL UP ART, desfasurata in acest an in serile de 27, 28 si 29 martie pe fatada Universitatii de Arhitectura “Ion Mincu” din Bucuresti (la fantana).

Suntem bucurosi sa va anuntam ca, dupa emotii mari provocate de anunturile autoritatilor de inchidere a strazilor pentru simularile de securitate dinaintea Summitului NATO si de prognozele meteo deloc favorabile, ROLL UP ART s-a desfasurat asa cum ne-am dorit. In cele trei seri s-au rulat peste 1000 de lucrari de arta plastica, scurt metraje, animatie si dans, lucrari realizate de artisti din toata lumea.
Asa cum ne-am asteptat, publicul a fost divers. Trecatori de toate varstele s-au oprit in fata galeriei noastre virtuale.

Va multumim pentru participare si va uram mult succes in proiectele voastre personale,

Dear artists,

Thank you for your participation in the 2nd edition of ROLL UP ART, event that took place this year during the evenings of 27, 28 and 29th of March on the façade of the University of Architecture in Bucharest.

We are happy to anounce you that, after being “threaten” by the security measures due to the NATO Summit (the Romanian authorities decided to rehearse the procedures some days before and to close some streets in the project location area) and also by the unfavorable wether prognoses, ROLL UP ART had presented over 1000 contemporary artworks created by over 100 artists from around the world.
As we expected, the public was very diversified. Pedestrians, drivers, passengers of all age, they stopped and enter our virtual art gallery.

Thank you!

We wish you all to be successful in your personal projects!

Mara Patriche
Artistic Manager “I love Bucharest”
Tel: 0040 21 316 55 41

Eroare: In seara de 27 Martie 2008 s-au proiectat 5 fotografii ale artistei Adriana Pelin pe numele Camelia Cilianu. . Situatia a fost remediata pentru datele de 28,29 Martie 2008.Ne cerem scuze artistei.

1 comment:

Salvage project said...

hello! do you have a photo of my work projected on the screen? the photo of this series thanks! if you have email me to this address